Custom Images
This guide aims to help you create your own custom images so that they render correctly in the game.
Background Texture
This texture is pretty straight forward to create. It can be any size you want, but I recommend a minimum size of 1920px x 1080px.
This file must either be a JPG, PNG or GIF.
Mojang Logo
I don't recommend changing this file at all. Because of how Minecraft renders the logo, it's a tricky texture to create. If you really want to do it, use the included mojang logo as a template. The image size must be 512px by 512px and in PNG format.
Aspect1to1 Logo
This logo isn't as tricky. It just needs to be 512px x 512px and be in a PNG format.
Progress Bar Texture
This applies to both the BossBar and Custom progress bar. Your texture needs to be 400px x 10px (unless you're using a background overlay) in a PNG format. This also applies to the CustomBarBackgroundTexture